2021-09-01 21:03:50 +03:00

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# todo: Убрать автовыбор нескольких базовых лицензий
Add-Type -AssemblyName "PresentationFramework"
Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Windows.Forms"
Add-Type -AssemblyName "System.Drawing"
# Глобальные объекты необходимы для метода-заглушки CreoLaunching.LicenseUserRestrict($user).
# Где:
# $tableLicenseName - таблица дополнительных модулей: Код = Наименование
# $tableLicenseBase - таблица базовых модулей: Код = Наименование
# $tableLicenseServ - таблица серверов лицензий: Псевдоним = Порт@Адрес
# $tableLicenseLink - таблица ссылок на описание дополнительных модулей: Наименование = Ссылка
# При настоящей реализации получения списка ограничений для пользователя в методе CreoLaunching.LicenseUserRestrict($user)
# глобальные объекты и файл с таблицами могут быть удалены.
$Global:tableLicenseName = New-Object HashtableMods -ArgumentList '.\CreoLauncher.txt', 'tableLicenseName'
$Global:tableLicenseLink = New-Object HashtableMods -ArgumentList '.\CreoLauncher.txt', 'tableLicenseLink'
$Global:tableLicenseBase = New-Object HashtableMods -ArgumentList '.\CreoLauncher.txt', 'tableLicenseBase'
$Global:tableLicenseServ = New-Object HashtableMods -ArgumentList '.\CreoLauncher.txt', 'tableLicenseServ'
# Объекты выполняют роль конфигурации.
# Добавление/удаление записей таблиц, а также изменение содержимого записей, повлияет на логику выполнения.
$creoPackageSpecs = New-Object CreoParamSpec @{
'CreoDir' = "$env:ProgramFiles\PTC\Creo*\Parametric\bin"
'CreoVer' = ""
'CreoExe' = "parametric.exe"
'CreoPsf' = "\Parametric\bin\parametric.psf"
'CreoLnk' = "$env:ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\PTC"
'CreoIco' = "\Parametric\install\nt\creologo.ico"
'LicExe' = "\Common Files\x86e_win64\obj\plpf_status.exe"
'LicRes' = "\Common Files\text\licensing\license.res"
'RegExpCreoVer' = "\d.\d.\d.\d"
'RegExpLicense' = "^\s+(?<License>\S+)\s+(?<InUse>\d+)\s+(?<Free>\d+)"
'EnvLicense' = "PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE"
'EnvLicsRes' = "PRO_LICENSE_RES"
'EnvDescPsf' = "DESC"
$tableMessageENUS = New-Object HashtableMods @{
'MsgSelectInvite' = 'Select the required modules'
'MsgSelectAvaile' = 'Available'
'MsgWinHeadError' = 'ERROR!'
'MsgErrCreoParam' = 'Not found Creo Parametric or its components on this computer'
'MsgRunCreoParam' = 'Start Creo Parametric'
'MsgRunPTCStatus' = 'Show license status'
$tableMessageRURU = New-Object HashtableMods @{
'MsgSelectInvite' = 'Выберите необходимые модули'
'MsgSelectAvaile' = 'Доступно'
'MsgWinHeadError' = 'ОШИБКА!'
'MsgErrCreoParam' = 'Не найден Creo Parametric или его компоненты на этом компьютере'
'MsgRunCreoParam' = 'Запуск Creo Parametric'
'MsgRunPTCStatus' = 'Отобразить все лицензии'
class ExecuteObject {
[System.Object] hidden $info
[System.Object] hidden $proc
ExecuteObject([System.String]$execPath, [System.String]$execArgs){
$ = New-Object System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo
$ = $execPath
$ = $execArgs
$ = $true
$ = $true
$ = $false
$ = 'Hidden'
$ = $true
[PSCustomObject] Start(){
$this.proc = New-Object System.Diagnostics.Process
$this.proc.StartInfo = $
$this.proc.Start() | Out-Null
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
stdout = $this.proc.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd()
stderr = $this.proc.StandardError.ReadToEnd()
ExitCode = $this.proc.ExitCode
Catch {
class HashtableMods {
[System.Collections.Hashtable] $hashtable
HashtableMods ([System.Collections.Hashtable]$table){
$this.hashtable = $table
HashtableMods ([System.String]$path, [System.String]$block){
$table = @{}
$save = $false
Foreach ($line in $(Get-Content -Path $path)){
if (($line -match "\[") -and ($line -match "$block")){
$save = $true
elseif ($line -match "\["){
$save = $false
elseif ($save -and ($line -notmatch "^\s*#") -and ($line -match "=")){
$key = $line.Split("=")[0].Trim()
$val = $($line.Split(";")[0] -replace "$($key)\s*=\s*","").Trim()
try {
$table.Add($key, $val)
catch {
$table.Add($key, $val)
$this.hashtable = $table
[System.String] ToString(){
Return $this.ToString($false, $null)
[System.String] ToString([System.Boolean]$fromKey){
Return $this.ToString($fromKey, $null)
[System.String] ToString([System.Boolean]$fromKey, [System.String]$separator){
$string = ""
Foreach ($key in $this.hashtable.Keys){
if ($FromKey){
$string += $key.ToString()
else {
$string += $this.hashtable[$key].ToString()
$string += $separator
Return $string.TrimEnd($separator)
[HashtableMods] Filtrate([System.Boolean]$fromKey, [System.String]$target){
$filtrated = New-Object HashtableMods @{}
if ($FromKey){
Foreach ($element in $($this.hashtable.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {$_.Key -eq $target})){
else {
Foreach ($element in $($this.hashtable.GetEnumerator() | Where-Object {$_.Value -eq $target})){
Return $filtrated
class UserInterface {
[System.Object] hidden $form
[System.Object] hidden $wordsFont
[System.Object] hidden $titleFont
[System.Int32] hidden $wordsSize = 10
[System.Int32] hidden $titleSize = $this.wordsSize * 1.5
[System.Int32] hidden $linesStep = $this.titleSize * 1.5
[System.Int32] hidden $linesNext = 0
[System.Int32] hidden $colmnStep = 0
[System.Int32] hidden $colmnNext = $this.titleSize * 1.5
UserInterface ([System.String]$header){
$this.wordsFont = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial", $this.wordsSize <#, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Regular#>)
$this.titleFont = New-Object System.Drawing.Font("Arial", $this.titleSize <#, [System.Drawing.FontStyle]::Bold#>)
$this.form = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form
$this.form.AutoScroll = $true
$this.form.AutoSize = $true
$this.form.Text = $header
[System.Void] AddIcon ([System.String]$path){
$this.form.Icon = New-Object System.Drawing.Icon $path
[System.Void] AddSpaceVertical(){
$this.linesNext += $this.linesStep * 1.5
[PSCustomObject] AddTitle([System.String]$text){
$title = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$title.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.colmnNext, $this.linesNext)
$title.Font = $this.titleFont
$title.Text = $text
$title.AutoSize = $true
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Width = $title.Width
Height = $title.Height
[PSCustomObject] AddText([System.String]$text){
$txt = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$txt.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.colmnNext, $this.linesNext)
$txt.Font = $this.wordsFont
$txt.Text = $text
$txt.AutoSize = $true
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Width = $txt.Width
Height = $txt.Height
[PSCustomObject] AddLink([System.String]$text, $function){
$lnk = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.LinkLabel
$lnk.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.colmnNext, $this.linesNext)
$lnk.Font = $this.wordsFont
$lnk.LinkColor = "BLUE"
$lnk.ActiveLinkColor = "BLACK"
$lnk.Text = $text
$lnk.AutoSize = $true
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Width = $lnk.Width
Height = $lnk.Height
[PSCustomObject] AddCheckbox([System.String]$name, [System.String]$text, $function){
$checkbox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox
$checkbox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.colmnNext, $this.linesNext)
$checkbox.Font = $this.wordsFont
$checkbox.Text = $text
$checkbox.Name = $name
$checkbox.AutoSize = $true
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Width = $checkbox.Width
Height = $checkbox.Height
[PSCustomObject] AddButton([System.String]$text, $function){
$button = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$button.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size($this.colmnNext, $this.linesNext)
$button.Font = $this.wordsFont
$button.Text = $text
$button.AutoSize = $true
Return [PSCustomObject]@{
Width = $button.Width
Height = $button.Height
[System.Void] Show(){
[HashtableMods] GetStateCheckbox(){
$state = New-Object HashtableMods @{}
Foreach ($checkbox in $this.form.Controls | Where-Object {$_.GetType() -like 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox'}){
$state.hashtable.Add($checkbox.Name, $($checkbox.Checked))
Return $state
class CreoParamSpec {
[System.String] $CreoDir
[System.String] $CreoVer
[System.String] $CreoExe
[System.String] $CreoPsf
[System.String] $CreoLnk
[System.String] $CreoIco
[System.String] $LicExe
[System.String] $LicRes
[System.String] $RegExpCreoVer
[System.String] $RegExpLicense
[System.String] $EnvLicense
[System.String] $EnvLicsRes
[System.String] $EnvFeature
[System.String] $EnvDescPsf
CreoParamSpec ([HashtableMods]$creoSpec){
$this.CreoDir = $null
$this.CreoVer = $null
$this.CreoExe = $null
$this.CreoPsf = $null
$this.CreoLnk = $null
$this.CreoIco = $null
$this.LicExe = $null
$this.LicRes = $null
$this.RegExpCreoVer = $null
$this.RegExpLicense = $null
$this.EnvLicense = $null
$this.EnvFeature = $null
[System.Void] hidden SpecToProperty([System.Collections.Hashtable]$table){
$properties = $this | Get-Member -MemberType Properties -Force | Where-Object {$_.Name -notcontains 'pstypenames'}
Foreach ($property in $properties){
if (!$table.ContainsKey($property.Name)){
Write-Host 'SPEC'
$this.$($property.Name) = $table[$property.Name]
[System.Void] hidden AdjustProperty(){
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.CreoDir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found CREO DIRECTORY")
$found = Get-ChildItem -Path $this.CreoDir -Filter $this.CreoExe -Recurse
Foreach ($result in $found){
if (($result.FullName.ToString() -match $this.RegExpCreoVer) -and ($matches[0] -gt $this.CreoVer)){
$this.CreoVer = $matches[0]
$this.CreoExe = $result.FullName
$this.CreoDir = Split-Path -Path $result.FullName | Split-Path -Parent | Split-Path -Parent
$this.CreoPsf = $this.CreoDir + $this.CreoPsf
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.CreoPsf -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found CREO START FILE")
$this.LicExe = $this.CreoDir + $this.LicExe
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.LicExe -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found LICENSE STATUS EXE")
$this.LicRes = $this.CreoDir + $this.LicRes
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.LicRes -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found LICENSE RESOURCES FILE")
$this.CreoIco = $this.CreoDir + $this.CreoIco
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.CreoIco -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found CREO ICON")
$WshShell = $(New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell)
$this.CreoLnk = $WshShell.CreateShortcut($this.CreoLnk + "\Creo Parametric $($this.CreoVer).lnk").WorkingDirectory
if (!(Test-Path -Path $this.CreoLnk -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){
$this.RaiseException("Not found CREO LINK WITH WORKDIR")
[System.Void] hidden RaiseException($message){
throw $message
class CreoLaunching : UserInterface {
[System.String] hidden $user
[CreoParamSpec] hidden $creo
[HashtableMods] hidden $mesg
[HashtableMods[]] hidden $licenseRestricts
[HashtableMods] hidden $licenseAvailable
CreoLaunching([CreoParamSpec]$creoSpec, [System.String]$userName, [HashtableMods]$locale) : base("Creo $($creoSpec.CreoVer) Launcher"){
$this.user = $username
$this.creo = $creoSpec
$this.mesg = $locale
$chboxPosX = $this.colmnNext
$buttnPosX = $this.colmnNext
$buttnPosY = $this.linesNext
$element = $this.AddTitle($($this.mesg.hashtable['MsgSelectInvite']))
$this.linesNext += $this.linesStep * 2
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $this.colmnStep){
$this.colmnStep = $sizeX
$servrPosY = $this.linesNext
$this.colmnStep = $chboxPosX
$this.licenseRestricts = $this.LicenseUserRestrict($this.user)
$this.licenseAvailable = $this.LicenseServerStatus($this.licenseRestricts[0], $this.licenseRestricts[1], $this.licenseRestricts[2])
$licenseServ = $this.licenseRestricts[2].hashtable
$licenseName = $this.licenseRestricts[0].hashtable
Foreach ($servKey in $licenseServ.Keys){
$this.colmnNext = $this.colmnStep
$this.linesNext = $servrPosY
$element = $this.AddText($servKey)
$this.linesNext += $element.Height
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $this.colmnStep){
$this.colmnStep = $sizeX
$chboxPosY = $this.linesNext
$linksPosX = $this.colmnNext
Foreach($licKey in $($this.licenseAvailable.hashtable.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -match $servKey})){
$licName = $licKey.Split(':')[1]
if ($licenseName.ContainsKey($licName)){
$licName = $licenseName[$licName]
$checkboxText = "$($this.mesg.hashtable['MsgSelectAvaile']) $($this.licenseAvailable.hashtable[$licKey]):"
$element = $this.AddCheckbox($licKey, $checkboxText, {$launcher.ExamCheckboxesState($this, $_)})
$this.linesNext += $this.linesStep * 1.5
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $this.colmnStep){
$this.colmnStep = $sizeX
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $linksPosX){
$linksPosX = $sizeX
$this.colmnNext = $linksPosX
$this.linesNext = $chboxPosY
Foreach($licKey in $($this.licenseAvailable.hashtable.Keys | Where-Object {$_ -match $servKey})){
$licName = $licKey.Split(':')[1]
if ($licenseName.ContainsKey($licName)){
$licName = $licenseName[$licName]
if ($this.licenseRestricts[3].hashtable.ContainsKey($licName)){
$element = $this.AddLink($licName, {$launcher.OpenLinkExternalApp($this)})
else {
$element = $this.AddText($licName)
$this.linesNext += $this.linesStep * 1.5
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $this.colmnStep){
$this.colmnStep = $sizeX
if ($this.linesNext -gt $buttnPosY){
$buttnPosY = $this.linesNext
$this.colmnNext = $buttnPosX
$this.linesNext = $buttnPosY
$element = $this.AddButton($($this.mesg.hashtable['MsgRunCreoParam']), {$launcher.StartCreoParametric()})
$this.linesNext += $this.linesStep * 1.5
if (($sizeX = $element.Width + $this.colmnNext) -gt $this.colmnStep){
$this.colmnStep = $sizeX
[HashtableMods[]] hidden LicenseUserRestrict([System.String]$user){
# Метод является заглушкой и использует глобальные переменные.
# Реализация настоящего запроса списка ограничений пользователя должна возвращать массив объектов HashtableMods.
# Где элементы массива:
# [0] - таблица дополнительных модулей в виде хеш-таблицы (словаря): Код = Наименование
# [1] - таблица базовых модулей в виде хеш-таблицы (словаря): Код = Наименование
# [2] - таблица серверов лицензий в виде хеш-таблицы (словаря): Псевдоним = Порт@Адрес
# [3] - таблица ссылок на описание дополнительных модулей в виде хеш-таблицы (словаря): Наименование = Ссылка
[HashtableMods[]] $restrict = $Global:tableLicenseName, $Global:tableLicenseBase, $Global:tableLicenseServ, $Global:tableLicenseLink
Return $restrict
[HashtableMods] hidden LicenseServerStatus([HashtableMods]$licenseName, [HashtableMods]$licenseBase, [HashtableMods]$licenseServ){
$licAvailable = New-Object HashtableMods @{}
$exeArguments = '-a'
if (($licenseBase) -and ($licenseName)){
$exeArguments = '-f ' + $licenseBase.ToString($true, ' ') + ' ' + $licenseName.ToString($true, ' ')
Foreach ($servKey in $licenseServ.hashtable.Keys){
Remove-Item -Path Env:$($this.creo.EnvLicsRes) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Set-Item -Path Env:$($this.creo.EnvLicense) -Value $licenseServ.hashtable[$servKey]
$response = $(New-Object ExecuteObject -ArgumentList $this.creo.LicExe, $exeArguments).Start()
Foreach ($line in $response.stdout.Split(@("`r`n", "`r", "`n"), [StringSplitOptions]::None)){
if (($line -match $this.creo.RegExpLicense) -and ($line -notmatch "\(\S+\)")){
$licKey = "$($servKey):$($matches['License'].Replace('*',''))"
$licVal = $matches['Free']
if (!$licAvailable.hashtable.ContainsKey($licKey)){
if ($licVal -gt 0){
$licAvailable.hashtable.Add($LicKey, $licVal)
else {
$licAvailable.hashtable[$licKey] = [System.String]([System.Int32]$licAvailable.hashtable[$licKey] + [System.Int32]$licVal)
Return $licAvailable
[System.Void] hidden ExamCheckboxesState($element, $events){
$servKey = $element.Name.Split(':')[0]
$licBase = $this.licenseRestricts[1].ToString($true, '|')
Foreach ($checkbox in $this.form.Controls | Where-Object {$_.GetType() -match 'System.Windows.Forms.CheckBox'}){
if ($checkbox.Name -notmatch $servKey){
$checkbox.Checked = $false
elseif ($checkbox.Name -match $servKey -and $checkbox.Name.Split(':')[1] -match "$licBase"){
$checkbox.Checked = $true
[System.String[]] hidden GeneratingStartFile(){
$selectedServer = ""
$selectedBaseLic = ""
$selectedFeature = ""
$checkboxState = $this.GetStateCheckbox().Filtrate($false, 'True')
if ($checkboxState.hashtable.Count -gt 0){
$foreseenBaseLic = $this.licenseRestricts[1].ToString($true, '|')
Foreach ($key in $checkboxState.hashtable.Keys){
$selectedServer = $this.licenseRestricts[2].hashtable[$key.Split(':')[0]]
$checkedFeature = $key.Split(':')[1]
if ($checkedFeature -match $foreseenBaseLic){
$selectedBaseLic += $checkedFeature + ' '
else {
$selectedFeature += $checkedFeature + ' '
$startFileData = Get-Content -Path $this.creo.CreoPsf | Select-String -NotMatch $this.creo.EnvFeature, $this.creo.EnvLicense, $this.creo.EnvDescPsf
$startFileData += "DESC=Creo Parametric ($($this.user))"
$startFileData += "ENV=$($this.creo.EnvLicense)-=$($selectedServer)"
$startFileData += "ENV=$($this.creo.EnvFeature)=$($selectedBaseLic)($($selectedFeature.Trim()))"
Return $startFileData
Return Get-Content -Path $this.creo.CreoPsf
[System.Void] hidden StartCreoParametric(){
$startFileBack = Get-Content -Path $this.creo.CreoPsf
$startFileData = $this.GeneratingStartFile()
Set-Content -Path $this.creo.CreoPsf -Value $startFileData -Force
Start-Process -FilePath $this.creo.CreoExe -WorkingDirectory $this.creo.CreoLnk
Start-Sleep 60
Set-Content -Path $this.creo.CreoPsf -Value $startFileBack -Force
[System.Void] hidden OpenLinkExternalApp($element){
$locale = $tableMessageENUS
if ((Get-Culture).Name -eq 'ru-RU'){
$locale = $tableMessageRURU
if ($creoPackageSpecs.CreoExe -ne ''){
$launcher = New-Object CreoLaunching -ArgumentList $creoPackageSpecs, "$env:USERNAME@$env:USERDNSDOMAIN", $locale
else {
[System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($locale.hashtable['MsgErrCreoParam'], $locale.hashtable['MsgWinHeadError'],'OK','Error')