#! /bin/bash # ## DESCRIPTION: # Hikvision PTZ-camera sequences. # Additionally: # - getting temperature from ds-18b20 over SSH, # - saving pictures to FTP. # This is only a local "proof of conept" for testing and debugging. # # ## DEPENDENCIES: sudo apt|yum install -y curl sshpass # # ## FUNCTIONS # addtologs() { echo "$(date +'%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S') $1" | tee -a $logs } execpause() { read -p "Press [ENTER] to continue... " } execquite() { addtologs "execution time is $(($(date +%s)-$time)) seconds, exit" if [ "${show}" != "qn" ];then execpause fi exit } execerror() { addtologs "error: $1" curl -s -X POST $telegramapiurl/sendMessage -d chat_id=$telegramchatid -d text="error: $1" >> /dev/null 2>&1 execquite } getconfig() { logs=$(cat $conf | grep "logs=" | cut -d= -f2) camuser=$(cat $conf | grep "camuser=" | cut -d= -f2) campass=$(cat $conf | grep "campass=" | cut -d= -f2) camaddr=$(cat $conf | grep "camaddr=" | cut -d= -f2) camport=$(cat $conf | grep "camport=" | cut -d= -f2) ftpuser=$(cat $conf | grep "ftpuser=" | cut -d= -f2) ftppass=$(cat $conf | grep "ftppass=" | cut -d= -f2) ftpaddr=$(cat $conf | grep "ftpaddr=" | cut -d= -f2) ftpport=$(cat $conf | grep "ftpport=" | cut -d= -f2) tmpuser=$(cat $conf | grep "tmpuser=" | cut -d= -f2) tmppass=$(cat $conf | grep "tmppass=" | cut -d= -f2) tmpaddr=$(cat $conf | grep "tmpaddr=" | cut -d= -f2) tmpport=$(cat $conf | grep "tmpport=" | cut -d= -f2) tmpnode=$(cat $conf | grep "tmpnode=" | cut -d= -f2) telegramapiurl=$(cat $conf | grep "telegramapiurl=" | cut -d= -f2) telegramchatid=$(cat $conf | grep "telegramchatid=" | cut -d= -f2) } getairtmp() { local temp=$( \ sshpass -p $tmppass ssh $tmpuser@$tmpaddr -p $tmpport -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ConnectTimeout=10 \ "cat /sys/bus/w1/devices/$tmpnode/temperature" \ ) && temp=$(($temp / 1000)) if [ ! -z "${temp}" ]; then addtologs "air temperature now is $temp'C" > /dev/null echo $temp else execerror "air temperature now is $temp'C" fi } getcamimg() { local name=$1 local file="$ftpaddr:$ftpport/Records/cam-street.home.local/$(date +"%Y")/$(date +"%m")/$(date +"%V")/$(date +"%d")/${name}_$(date +"%Y.%m.%d_%H-%M-%S").jpeg" url='/Streaming/channels/101/picture?snapShotImageType=JPEG&videoResolutionWidth=1920&videoResolutionHeight=1080' curl -vs "http://$camuser:$campass@$camaddr:$camport/$url" -o tmp \ && curl -T tmp "ftp://$ftpuser:$ftppass@$file" --ftp-create-dirs \ && rm tmp && addtologs "save photo to ftp://$file" || execerror "save photo to ftp://$file" } setcamtxt() { local message=$1 url='/Video/inputs/channels/101/overlays/text' xml='1true00'"${message}"'' curl -d "$xml" -X PUT "http://$camuser:$campass@$camaddr:$camport/$url" && addtologs "text on video is $message" && sleep 5 || execerror "text on video is $message" } setcampos() { local x=$1 local y=$2 local z=$3 local t=$4 local message=$5 url='/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/101/absolute' xml=''"${y}"''"${x}"''"${z}"'' curl -d "$xml" -X PUT "http://$camuser:$campass@$camaddr:$camport/$url" && addtologs "$message" && sleep $t || execerror "$message" } setcammov() { local x=$1 local y=$2 local z=$3 local t=$4 local message=$5 url='/ISAPI/PTZCtrl/channels/101/continuous' xml=''"${x}"''"${y}"''"${z}"'' curl -d "$xml" -X PUT "http://$camuser:$campass@$camaddr:$camport/$url" && addtologs "$message" && sleep $t || execerror "$message" } # ## PARAMETERS # show=${1} conf=${2} if [ -z "${conf}" ] || [ "${conf}" == "-" ];then conf="$(dirname $(realpath "$0"))/$(basename -s .sh $0).conf" fi # ## VARIABLES # time=$(date +%s) cd "$(dirname "$(realpath "$0")")" if [ ! -e ${conf} ];then execerror "Not found config file: ${conf}" else getconfig fi if [ -z "${logs}" ];then logs=/dev/null elif [ ! -e ${logs} ];then touch ${logs} fi if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null || ! command -v sshpass &> /dev/null; then execerror "Not found dependencies" fi # ## RUN # setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" setcampos 0 0 10 5.00s 'xx >| 01 Точка - Панорама центр 1x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-01' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcampos 395 0 10 5.00s '01 >| 02 Точка - Панорама право 1x' setcampos 2915 0 10 5.00s '02 >| 03 Точка - Панорама лево 1x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-02' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcammov 25 25 33 6.00s '03 >> 04 Точка - Дорожный переход 8x' setcampos 3060 -85 80 5.00s '03 >| 04 Точка - Дорожный переход 8x' sleep 5m setcammov 99 99 0 2.25s '04 >> 05 Точка - Поля 8x' setcampos 3208 -200 80 5.00s '04 >| 05 Точка - Поля 8x' setcampos 3208 -200 160 5.00s '05 >| 06 Точка - Поля 16x' setcammov -70 0 -33 3.00s '06 >> 07 Точка - Поля 4x' setcampos 3175 -200 40 5.00s '06 >| 07 Точка - Поля 4x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-04' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcampos 2860 -200 40 5.00s '07 >| 08 Точка - Стадион 4x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-05' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcammov 0 -44 33 1.50s '08 >> 09 Точка - Стадион 8x' setcampos 2860 -170 80 5.00s '08 >| 09 Точка - Стадион 8x' sleep 1m setcampos 2805 200 80 5.00s '09 >| 10 Точка - Въезд во двор 8x' sleep 5m setcammov -88 99 0 5.00s '10 >> 11 Точка - Бассейн 8x' setcammov -99 88 0 2.00s '10 >> 11 Точка - Бассейн 8x' setcammov -44 99 0 4.25s '10 >> 11 Точка - Бассейн 8x' setcampos 2510 -100 80 5.00s '10 >| 11 Точка - Бассейн 8x' sleep 1m setcammov -88 99 33 2.50s '11 >> 12 Точка - Общежитие дальнее 16x' setcampos 2415 -200 160 5.00s '11 >| 12 Точка - Общежитие дальнее 16x' sleep 1m setcammov 66 0 0 22.5s '12 >> 13 Точка - Общежите ближнее 16x' setcampos 2640 -200 160 5.00s '12 >| 13 Точка - Общежите ближнее 16x' sleep 1m setcammov 66 0 0 90.5s '13 >> 14 Точка - Крыша магазина 4x' setcammov 99 0 -33 3.25s '13 >> 14 Точка - Крыша магазина 4x' setcampos 335 -200 40 5.00s '13 >| 14 Точка - Крыша магазина 4x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-11' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcammov -99 0 -33 2.50s '14 >> 15 Точка - Панорама верх 1x' setcampos 0 -200 10 5.00s '14 >| 15 Точка - Панорама верх 1x' sleep 1m setcamtxt '' && getcamimg 'point-12' && setcamtxt "$(getairtmp)'C" sleep 4m setcammov 0 -33 0 10.0s '15 >> 01 Точка - Панорама центр 1x' setcampos 0 0 10 5.00s '15 >| 01 Точка - Панорама центр 1x' execquite