# cctv-scheduler PTZ IP-Camera management ____ - [`sequences.sh`](https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler#sequences-sh) - [`converter.sh`](https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler#converter-sh) - [`publisher.sh`](https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler#publisher-sh) - [`streaming.py`](https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler#streaming-py) ____ ![cctv-scheduler](info/images/cctv-scheduler-0.1.png) ## `Installation` ### `Requirements` Cameras settings: > > - Configuration -> System -> Security -> Authentication -> RTSP Authentication: digest/basic > - Configuration -> System -> Security -> Authentication -> WEB Authentication: digest/basic > - Configuration -> Network -> Advanced Settings -> Integration Protocol -> Enable Hikvision-CGI: Enabled > - Configuration -> Network -> Advanced Settings -> Integration Protocol -> Hikvision-CGI Authentication: digest/basic Look at the description of dependencies and install the necessary. ### `Downloading` Download scripts and configs. ```bash wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/sequences.sh -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/sequences.sh wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/sequences.conf -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/sequences.conf wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/converter.sh -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.sh wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/converter.conf -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.conf wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/publisher.sh -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.sh wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/publisher.conf -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.conf wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/publisher-template-page-1007.xml -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher-template-page-1007.xml wget https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/raw/branch/master/streaming.py -O /home/user/cctv-scheduler/streaming.py ``` ### `Configuration` Edit configs. ```bash nano /home/user/cctv-scheduler/sequences.conf nano /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.conf nano /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.conf ``` ### `Scheduler` Look at examples and edit scheduler tasks: ```bash crontab -e ``` ## `sequences`.sh **Description:** > [Hikvision](https://git.hmp.today/pavel.muhortov/cctv-scheduler/src/branch/master/info/hikvision/manual/isapi.pdf) PTZ-camera sequences. > Additionally: > > - getting temperature from DS18B20 over SSH, > - saving pictures to FTP. > > This is only a local "proof of conept" for testing and debugging. **Dependencies:** > > - [bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (tested version 5.1.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [curl](https://curl.se/download.html) (tested version 7.74 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [sshpass](https://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/noninteractive-shell-script-ssh-password-provider/) (tested version 1.09 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) | POSITION | PARAMETERS | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT | |-----------|--------------|------------------------|---------------| | 1 | **[qn]** |execution without pauses|| | 2 | **[/path/to/conf]** |path to config| ./sequences.conf | Example usage in terminal with bash: ```bash bash ./sequences.sh - ./sequences.conf ``` Example usage with cron: ```bash # crontab -e 0 * * * * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/sequences.sh qn ``` ____ ## `converter`.sh **Description:** > JPEG to MP4 converter. > > This is only a local "proof of conept" for testing and debugging. **Dependencies:** > > - [bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (tested version 5.1.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) (tested version 4.3.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - filesystem organization: > >```bash > # filesystem organisation example >/root/ > /2022/ > /12/ > /52/ > /31/ > /image-01_2022.12.31_time.jpeg > /image-02_2022.12.31_time.jpeg > /2023/ > /01/ > /01/ > /02/ > /image-01_2023.01.02_time.jpeg > /image-02_2023.01.02_time.jpeg > /03/ > /image-01_2023.01.03_time.jpeg > /image-02_2023.01.03_time.jpeg >``` | POSITION | PARAMETERS | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT | |-----------|--------------|------------------------|---------------| | 1 | **[qn]** |execution without pauses|| | 2 | **[/path/to/conf]** |path to config|`./converter.conf`| | 3 | **[-d\|-w\|-m\|-y]** |periods: '' - today \| '-d' - yesterday \| '-w' - last week \| '-m' - last month \| '-y' - last year|| Example usage in terminal with bash for today's MP4 making: ```bash bash ./converter.sh - ./converter.conf ``` Example usage with cron: ```bash # crontab -e 1 0 * * * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.sh qn - -d 7 0 * * 1 bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.sh qn - -w 30 0 1 * * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.sh qn - -m 36 0 1 1 * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/converter.sh qn - -y ``` ____ ## `publisher`.sh **Description:** > Uploading MP4 to [Wordpress](https://wordpress.com/) and [Telegram](https://web.telegram.org/). > Additionally: > > - editing [Wordpress](https://codex.wordpress.org/XML-RPC_WordPress_API) page from template > - recompressing video if size [over 50MB](https://core.telegram.org/bots/api#sendvideo) > > This is only a local "proof of conept" for testing and debugging. **Dependencies:** > > - [bash](https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/) (tested version 5.1.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [curl](https://curl.se/download.html) (tested version 7.74 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) (tested version 4.3.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [libxml2-utils](https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/libxml2) (tested version 2.9.10 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/) (tested version 1.6 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > | POSITION | PARAMETERS | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT | |-----------|--------------|------------------------|---------------| | 1 | **[qn]** |execution without pauses|| | 2 | **[/path/to/conf]** |path to config|`./converter.conf`| | 3 | **[-d\|-w\|-m\|-y]** |periods: '' - 0 day \| '-d' - -X day \| '-w' - -X week \| '-m' - -X month \| '-y' - -X year|| | 4 | **[1\|2\|3..XXX]** |multiplier for period: '' - 1 day\|week\|month\|year|`1`| | 5 | **[--onlytg\|--onlywp]** |'--onlytg' - only publish to Telegram \|'--onlywp' - only publish to Wordpress|| Example usage in terminal with bash for publish to Telegram today's MP4: ```bash bash ./publisher.sh - ./publisher.conf - - - - --onlytg ``` Example usage with cron: ```bash # crontab -e 1 1 * * * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.sh qn - -d 7 1 * * 1 bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.sh qn - -w 30 1 1 * * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.sh qn - -m 36 1 1 1 * bash /home/user/cctv-scheduler/publisher.sh qn - -y ``` ____ ## `streaming`.py **Description:** > FFmpeg management from Python **Dependencies:** > > - [Python 3](https://www.python.org/downloads/) (tested version 3.9.5 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) > - [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) (tested version 4.3.4 on [Debian GNU/Linux 11](http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/bullseye/)) | PARAMETERS | DESCRIPTION | DEFAULT| |-------------|-------------|--------| |**-s**, **--src**|sources urls|**REQUIRED**| |**[-h]**|print help and exit|| |**[--preset]**|240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p|`None`| |**[--fps]**|frame per second encoding output|`None`| |**[--dst]**|destination url|`None`| |**[--ffpath]**|alternative path to bin|`None`| |**[--watchdog]**|detect ffmpeg freeze and terminate|| |**[--sec]**|seconds to wait before the watchdog terminates|`15`| |**[--mono]**|detect ffmpeg running copy and terminate|| Example usage in terminal with make the script executable: ```bash chmod u+x ./streaming.py ./streaming.py -s rtsp://user:pass@host:554/Streaming/Channels/101 --dst rtp:// ``` Example usage with cron: ```bash # crontab -e * * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/user/cctv-scheduler/streaming.py -s rtsp://user:pass@host:554/Streaming/Channels/video,http://Streaming/Channels/audio --dst rtmp://a.rtmp.youtube.com/live2/YOUKEY --mono --watchdog --sec 30 >> /dev/null 2>&1 * * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /home/user/cctv-scheduler/streaming.py -s ~/media.mp4 --dst rtmp://b.rtmp.youtube.com/live2?backup=1/YOUKEY --mono >> /dev/null 2>&1 ``` Example usage in Python: ```Python from streaming import FFmpeg FFmpeg.run(src='null, anull', preset='240p', fps=10) ```