#! /bin/bash # DESCRIPTION: # handling client connection # and # preparing stats for monitoring # # DEPENDENCIES: # - executing by openvpn server # - jq # - grepcidr # - Python 3 # - existing /usr/local/bin/sendmail.py # # PARAMETERS: # 1: "inc|dec" - increment or decrement counter # 2: root path for counter, names, log # 3: "email" - send email notification # 4: "geo" - check client address geolocation # # FUNCTIONS: # ####################################### # Print message and add to log. # Globals: # logs # Arguments: # 1: message to print and logging ####################################### addtologs() { echo "$(date +'%Y.%m.%d-%H:%M:%S') $1" | tee -a "${logs}" } ####################################### # Exit procedure. # Globals: # show # Arguments: # None ####################################### execquite() { addtologs "execution time is $(($(date +%s)-time)) seconds, exit" exit } ####################################### # Error exit procedure # Globals: # None # Arguments: # 1: message to print and logging ####################################### execerror() { addtologs "error: $1" execquite } ####################################### # Incrementing counter with adding client name # Globals: # counts_file # common_name (variable by openvpn server) # ifconfig_pool_remote_ip (variable by openvpn server) # Arguments: # None ####################################### # shellcheck disable=SC2154 incremcounter() { summary_cur=$(grep 'total=' "${counts_file}" | cut -d= -f2) summary_new=${summary_cur} && (( summary_new += 1 )) counts_temp=$(sed -e "s/total=${summary_cur}/total=${summary_new}/g" "${counts_file}" \ | sed -e '$a'"${common_name}"'_'"${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}"'') addtologs "client ${common_name} connected, counter increment to ${summary_new}" printf "%s\n" "${counts_temp}" > "${counts_file}" } ####################################### # Decrementing counter with deleting client name # Globals: # counts_file # common_name (variable by openvpn server) # Arguments: # None ####################################### decremcounter(){ summary_cur=$(grep 'total=' "${counts_file}" | cut -d= -f2) summary_new=${summary_cur} && (( summary_new -= 1 )) counts_temp=$(sed -e "s/total=${summary_cur}/total=${summary_new}/g" "${counts_file}" \ | sed '0,/'"${common_name}"'/{/'"${common_name}"'/d}') addtologs "client ${common_name} disconnected, counter decrement to ${summary_new}" printf "%s\n" "${counts_temp}" > "${counts_file}" } ####################################### # Get information about client address # Globals: # untrusted_ip (variable by openvpn server) # Arguments: # None ####################################### # shellcheck disable=SC2154 expandaddress() { ipinfo="Source address is ${untrusted_ip}" localnetworks=" " if ! grepcidr "${localnetworks}" <(echo "${untrusted_ip}") >/dev/null; then if [ "${flaggeol}" == "geo" ]; then ipinfo=$(curl "https://api.ipbase.com/v1/json/${untrusted_ip}") if [ "$(jq -r '.country_name' <<< "$ipinfo")" != "" ]; then z=$(jq -r '.zip_code' <<< "$ipinfo") c=$(jq -r '.country_name' <<< "$ipinfo") r=$(jq -r '.region_name' <<< "$ipinfo") t=$(jq -r '.city' <<< "$ipinfo") ipinfo="Source address ${untrusted_ip} is from ${z}, ${c}, ${r}, ${t}" fi fi fi addtologs "client ${common_name} checked. ${ipinfo}" } ####################################### # Send email notification about client connect # Globals: # ipinfo # common_name (variable by openvpn server) # ifconfig_pool_remote_ip (variable by openvpn server) # Arguments: # None ####################################### startsendmail() { subj="[VPN Connected] $(cat /etc/hostname): ${common_name} connect to ${ifconfig_pool_remote_ip}" ( python3 /usr/local/bin/sendmail.py \ -u "$(grep "from=" /usr/local/bin/sendmail.config | cut -d= -f2)" \ -p "$(grep "pass=" /usr/local/bin/sendmail.config | cut -d= -f2)" \ -d "$(grep "dest=" /usr/local/bin/sendmail.config | cut -d= -f2)" \ --smtp "$(grep "smtp=" /usr/local/bin/sendmail.config | cut -d= -f2)" \ --port "$(grep "port=" /usr/local/bin/sendmail.config | cut -d= -f2)" \ --stls "True" \ --subj "${subj}" \ --text "${ipinfo}" \ >> /dev/null 2>&1 & ) addtologs "sent mail with subject '${subj}'" } # # VARIABLES: # flagmath=$1 pathroot=$2 flagmail=$3 flaggeol=$4 time=$(date +%s) logs="${pathroot}/$(basename -s .sh "$0").log" counts_file="${pathroot}/openvpn-counts.log" if [ -z "${pathroot}" ]; then logs=/dev/null execerror "Usage example: $0 'inc|dec' '/var/log/openvpn' '-' '-'" elif [ ! -e "${logs}" ]; then touch "${logs}" fi if ! command -v curl &> /dev/null || \ ! command -v /usr/local/bin/sendmail.py &> /dev/null || \ ! command -v python3 &> /dev/null || \ ! command -v grepcidr &> /dev/null || \ ! command -v jq &> /dev/null; then execerror "Not found dependencies" fi # # MAIN: # if [ "${flagmath}" == "inc" ]; then incremcounter expandaddress if [ "${flagmail}" == "mail" ]; then startsendmail fi elif [ "${flagmath}" == "dec" ]; then decremcounter else execerror "Usage example: $0 'inc|dec' '/var/log/openvpn' '-' '-'" fi execquite