#!/usr/bin/env python3 from multiprocessing import Process, Queue from os import path, environ from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from sys import platform from time import sleep from srchproc import Proc # or copy class Proc from file srchproc.py here for autonomy of this file class FFmpeg: """ FFmpeg management from Python """ @classmethod def run(cls, src: str, preset: str = None, fps: int = None, dst: str = None, ffpath: str = None, watchdog: bool = False, sec: int = 5, mono: bool = False): """ Running the installed ffmpeg :param src: sources urls (example: "rtsp://user:pass@host:554/Streaming/Channels/101, anull") :param preset: 240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p :param fps: frame per second encoding output :param dst: destination url (example: rtp:// :param ffpath: alternative path to bin (example: /usr/bin/ffmpeg) :param watchdog: detect ffmpeg freeze and terminate :param sec: seconds to wait before the watchdog terminates :param mono: detect ffmpeg running copy and terminate :return: None """ process = cls._bin(ffpath).split()+cls._src(src).split()+cls._preset(preset, fps).split()+cls._dst(dst).split() if mono and Proc.search(' '.join(process)): print('Process already exist, exit...') else: with Popen(process, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT) as proc: if watchdog: que = Queue() Process(target=cls._watchdog, args=(proc.pid, sec, que,), daemon=True).start() for line in proc.stdout: if not que: print(line, flush=True) else: que.put(line) exit() @classmethod def _bin(cls, path_ffmpeg: str): """ Returns the path to the ffmpeg depending on the OS :param path_ffmpeg: alternative path to bin :return: path to ffmpeg """ faq = ('\n' 'Main download page: https://ffmpeg.org/download.html\n' '\n' 'Install on Linux (Debian):\n' '\tsudo apt install -y ffmpeg\n' '\tTarget: /usr/bin/ffmpeg\n' '\n' 'Install on Windows:\n' '\tDownload and extract archive from: https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-full.7z\n' '\tTarget: "%PROGRAMFILES%\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe"\n' '\n' 'Install on MacOS:\n' '\tDownload and extract archive from: https://evermeet.cx/ffmpeg/\n' '\tTarget: /usr/bin/ffmpeg\n') if not path_ffmpeg: if platform.startswith('linux'): path_ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' elif platform.startswith('win32'): path_ffmpeg = environ['PROGRAMFILES'] + "\\ffmpeg\\bin\\ffmpeg.exe" elif platform.startswith('darwin'): path_ffmpeg = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg' if path.exists(path_ffmpeg): return path_ffmpeg else: print('ON', platform, 'PLATFORM', 'not found ffmpeg', faq) return None @classmethod def _src(cls, sources: str): """ Parsing sources into ffmpeg format :param sources: comma-separated list of sources in string format :return: ffmpeg format list of sources """ list_sources = [] for src in sources.split(','): src = src.strip() if 'null' in src: src = ' '.join(['-f lavfi -i', src]) elif 'rtsp' in src: src = ' '.join(['-rtsp_transport tcp -i', src]) else: src = ' '.join(['-i', src]) list_sources.append(src) return ' '.join(list_sources) @classmethod def _preset(cls, choice: str, fps: int): """ Parsing preset into ffmpeg format :param choice: preset selection :param fps: frame per second encoding output :return: ffmpeg format encoding parameters """ tune = '-tune zerolatency' video = '-c:v copy' audio = '-c:a aac -b:a 128k' width, height, kbps = None, None, None if choice: if choice == '240p': width, height, kbps = 426, 240, 480 if choice == '360p': width, height, kbps = 640, 360, 720 if choice == '480p': width, height, kbps = 854, 480, 1920 if choice == '720p': width, height, kbps = 1280, 720, 3960 if choice == '1080p': width, height, kbps = 1920, 1080, 5940 if choice == '1440p': width, height, kbps = 2560, 1440, 12960 if choice == '2160p': width, height, kbps = 3840, 2160, 32400 if width and height and kbps: video = ''.join(['-vf scale=', str(width), ':', str(height), ',setsar=1:1']) video = ' '.join([video, '-c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset ultrafast']) if fps: video = ' '.join([video, '-r', str(fps), '-g', str(fps * 2)]) video = ' '.join([video, '-b:v', str(kbps) + 'k']) return ' '.join([tune, video, audio]) @classmethod def _dst(cls, destination: str): """ Parsing destination into ffmpeg format :param destination: :return: ffmpeg format destination """ container = '-f null' stdout = '-v debug' # '-nostdin -nostats' # '-report' if destination: if 'rtmp' in destination: container = '-f flv' elif "rtp" in destination: container = '-f rtp_mpegts' else: destination = '-' return ' '.join([container, destination, stdout]) @classmethod def _watchdog(cls, pid: int, sec: int = 5, que: Queue = None): """ If no data arrives in the queue, kill the process :param pid: process ID :param sec: seconds to wait for data :param que: queue pointer :return: None """ if que: while True: while not que.empty(): print(que.get()) sleep(sec) if que.empty(): cls._kill(pid) print('exit by watchdog') break exit() @classmethod def _kill(cls, pid: int): """ Kill the process by means of the OS :param pid: process ID :return: None """ if platform.startswith('linux'): Popen(['kill', '-s', 'SIGKILL', str(pid)]) elif platform.startswith('win32'): Popen(['taskkill', '/PID', str(pid), '/F']) elif platform.startswith('darwin'): Popen(['kill', '-s', 'SIGKILL', str(pid)]) if __name__ == "__main__": from argparse import ArgumentParser args = ArgumentParser( prog='FFmpeger', description='FFmpeg management from Python', epilog='Dependencies: ' 'Python 3 (tested version 3.9.5), ' 'installed or downloaded ffmpeg, ' 'srchproc.py in the same directory' ) args.add_argument('-s', '--src', type=str, required=True, help='sources urls (example: "rtsp://user:pass@host:554/Streaming/Channels/101, anull")') args.add_argument('--preset', type=str, default=None, required=False, help='240p, 360p, 480p, 720p, 1080p, 1440p, 2160p') args.add_argument('--fps', type=int, default=None, required=False, help='frame per second encoding output') args.add_argument('--dst', type=str, default=None, required=False, help='destination url (example: rtp://') args.add_argument('--ffpath', type=str, default=None, required=False, help='alternative path to bin (example: /usr/bin/ffmpeg)') args.add_argument('--watchdog', action='store_true', required=False, help='detect ffmpeg freeze and terminate') args.add_argument('--sec', type=int, default=15, required=False, help='seconds to wait before the watchdog terminates') args.add_argument('--mono', action='store_true', required=False, help='detect ffmpeg running copy and terminate') args = vars(args.parse_args()) FFmpeg.run(src=args['src'], preset=args['preset'], fps=args['fps'], dst=args['dst'], ffpath=args['ffpath'], watchdog=args['watchdog'], sec=args['sec'], mono=args['mono'])