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-# zabbix
+# Zabbix
+Templates, scripts and hints for Zabbix.
+## [Templates](templates)
+* [Applications](templates/applications)
+ * [MiniDLNA](templates/applications/minidlna/6.0)
diff --git a/templates/applications/minidlna/6.0/README.md b/templates/applications/minidlna/6.0/README.md
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+# MiniDLNA by HTTP
+## Overview
+This template is designed for [MiniDLNA](https://minidlna.sourceforge.net/) monitoring by Zabbix via HTTP and doesn't require any external scripts.
+The template `MiniDLNA by HTTP` - collects metrics by polling MiniDLNA status page with HTTP agent remotely.
+## Requirements
+Zabbix version: 6.0 and higher.
+## Tested versions
+This template has been tested on:
+- MiniDLNA 1.3.0
+### Macros used
+|{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.PORT}}|The port of the MiniDLNA status page.|`8200`|
+|{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.SCHEME}|The request scheme, which may be either HTTP or HTTPS.|`http`|
+### Items
+|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
+|MiniDLNA: Get status|Converted MiniDLNA status to JSON|HTTP agent|minidlna.get_status|
+|MiniDLNA: Audio files|Amount of audio files|Dependent item|minidlna.audio_files|
+|MiniDLNA: Image files|Amount of image files|Dependent item|minidlna.image_files|
+|MiniDLNA: Video files|Amount of video files|Dependent item|minidlna.video_files|
+|MiniDLNA: Clients amount|Amount of clients|Dependent item|minidlna.clients_num|
+|MiniDLNA: Version|Service version|Dependent item|minidlna.version|
+|MiniDLNA: Service ping|-|Simple check|net.tcp.service[{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.SCHEME},"{HOST.CONN}","{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.PORT}"]|
+### Triggers
+|Name|Description|Expression|Severity|Dependencies and additional info|
+|MiniDLNA: Service is down||last(/MiniDLNA by HTTP/net.tcp.service[{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.SCHEME},"{HOST.CONN}","{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.PORT}"])=0|Average|Manual close: Yes|
+### Discovery rules
+|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
+|Clients discovery|The discovery of clients|Dependent item|minidlna.clients.discovery|
+### Item prototypes for Clients discovery
+|Name|Description|Type|Key and additional info|
+|MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" connections|Number of connections from client|Dependent item|minidlna.client.connections[{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}]|
+|MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" MAC address|Client MAC address|Dependent item|minidlna.client.hw_address[{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}]|
diff --git a/templates/applications/minidlna/6.0/minidlna_by_http.yaml b/templates/applications/minidlna/6.0/minidlna_by_http.yaml
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index 0000000..707ca05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/applications/minidlna/6.0/minidlna_by_http.yaml
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+ version: '6.0'
+ date: '2023-09-09T17:00:00Z'
+ groups:
+ -
+ uuid: a571c0d144b14fd4a87a9d9b2aa9fcd6
+ name: Templates/Applications
+ templates:
+ -
+ uuid: d0ccd623f0534ff886bf14b4df9aef0e
+ template: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ name: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ groups:
+ -
+ name: Templates/Applications
+ items:
+ -
+ uuid: ac1b5ca61f114dd09961d763a601c53a
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Audio files'
+ key: minidlna.audio_files
+ delay: '0'
+ description: 'Amount of audio files'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - $.audio_files
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ uuid: b28dab5c0ea84f7a892e061dbd4b8f51
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Clients amount'
+ key: minidlna.clients_num
+ delay: '0'
+ description: 'Amount of clients'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - $.clients_num
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ uuid: eed1cf5217164710bc1c428fb6a0e193
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Get status'
+ type: HTTP_AGENT
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ history: 1h
+ trends: '0'
+ value_type: TEXT
+ description: 'Converted MiniDLNA status to JSON'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ parameters:
+ - |
+ // Convert MiniDLNA status to JSON
+ var clients_raw = [];
+ var clients_arr = [];
+ var clients_num = 0;
+ // Get all clients
+ clients_raw = value.split('
ID | Type | IP Address | HW Address | Connections |
')[1].split('')[0].split(/\d<\/td> | /);
+ clients_raw.shift()
+ // Parse clients
+ for (var i = 0; i < clients_raw.length; i++) {
+ if (clients_raw[i] !== null) {
+ var client_raw = clients_raw[i].split(' |
+ var client = {
+ ip_address: client_raw.split('')[1],
+ hw_address: client_raw.split(' | ')[2],
+ connections: parseInt(client_raw.split(' | ')[3])
+ };
+ clients_arr.push(client);
+ clients_num++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Prepare output
+ var output = {
+ bin_version: value.split('')[1].split('')[0].split(' ')[1],
+ audio_files: parseInt(value.split(' | Audio files | ')[1].split(' |
+ video_files: parseInt(value.split('Video files | ')[1].split(' |
+ image_files: parseInt(value.split('Image files | ')[1].split(' |
+ clients_num: parseInt(clients_num),
+ data: clients_arr
+ };
+ // Return JSON string
+ return JSON.stringify(output);
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ tag: component
+ value: raw
+ -
+ uuid: e05aae11c3d74157a78422733da21486
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Image files'
+ key: minidlna.image_files
+ delay: '0'
+ description: 'Amount of image files'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - $.image_files
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ uuid: b4de3ddd3b9347fd9496bcb11d6abd6c
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Version'
+ key: minidlna.version
+ delay: '0'
+ history: 7d
+ trends: '0'
+ value_type: CHAR
+ description: 'Service version'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - $.bin_version
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ uuid: 58d98974b2164f1ab9c9db8b5dd4e235
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Video files'
+ key: minidlna.video_files
+ delay: '0'
+ description: 'Amount of video files'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - $.video_files
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ uuid: 08f1de5f34584f99a3d4f4672f0f6459
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Service ping'
+ type: SIMPLE
+ history: 7d
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ tag: component
+ value: health
+ triggers:
+ -
+ uuid: a0d3475de9004a98aee62338a881656e
+ expression: 'last(/MiniDLNA by HTTP/net.tcp.service[{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.SCHEME},"{HOST.CONN}","{$MINIDLNA.STATUS.PORT}"])=0'
+ name: 'MiniDLNA: Service is down'
+ priority: AVERAGE
+ manual_close: 'YES'
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ tag: scope
+ value: availability
+ discovery_rules:
+ -
+ uuid: 4cb5ba7f8f114923a40e9329f70cd398
+ name: 'Clients discovery'
+ key: minidlna.clients.discovery
+ delay: '0'
+ description: 'The discovery of clients'
+ item_prototypes:
+ -
+ uuid: 80f0a4c297124d0daa0f8aa8a67da8b0
+ name: 'MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" connections'
+ key: 'minidlna.client.connections[{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}]'
+ delay: '0'
+ history: 14d
+ description: 'Number of connections from client'
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - '$.data.[?(@.ip_address=="{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}")].connections.first()'
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ tag: 'MiniDLNA client'
+ -
+ uuid: 4b17636e80314c689375d07ee400be87
+ name: 'MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" MAC address'
+ key: 'minidlna.client.hw_address[{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}]'
+ delay: '0'
+ history: 14d
+ trends: '0'
+ value_type: CHAR
+ preprocessing:
+ -
+ type: JSONPATH
+ parameters:
+ - '$.data.[?(@.ip_address=="{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}")].hw_address.first()'
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ -
+ tag: 'MiniDLNA client'
+ graph_prototypes:
+ -
+ uuid: 0ae432fabda0492cb27e946614d13d2d
+ name: 'MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" connections'
+ graph_items:
+ -
+ color: 0080FF
+ item:
+ host: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ key: 'minidlna.client.connections[{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}]'
+ master_item:
+ key: minidlna.get_status
+ lld_macro_paths:
+ -
+ lld_macro: '{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}'
+ path: $..ip_address.first()
+ -
+ lld_macro: '{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_HWADDR}'
+ path: $..hw_address.first()
+ -
+ path: $..connections.first()
+ tags:
+ -
+ tag: Application
+ value: minidlna
+ macros:
+ -
+ value: '8200'
+ -
+ value: http
+ dashboards:
+ -
+ uuid: 2f2247d32fc34e8ab9a9911175f40933
+ name: MiniDLNA
+ auto_start: 'NO'
+ pages:
+ -
+ widgets:
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ width: '4'
+ hide_header: 'YES'
+ fields:
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ name: itemid
+ value:
+ host: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ key: minidlna.audio_files
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ x: '4'
+ width: '4'
+ hide_header: 'YES'
+ fields:
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ name: itemid
+ value:
+ host: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ key: minidlna.image_files
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ x: '8'
+ width: '4'
+ hide_header: 'YES'
+ fields:
+ -
+ type: ITEM
+ name: itemid
+ value:
+ host: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ key: minidlna.video_files
+ -
+ x: '12'
+ width: '12'
+ height: '5'
+ fields:
+ -
+ type: INTEGER
+ name: columns
+ value: '1'
+ -
+ name: graphid
+ value:
+ host: 'MiniDLNA by HTTP'
+ name: 'MiniDLNA client "{#MINIDLNA_CLIENT_IPADDR}" connections'