.. | ||
openvpn_by_zabbix_agent.yaml | ||
OpenVPN by Zabbix agent
This template is designed for OpenVPN monitoring by Zabbix agent and requires external script.
- Zabbix version: 6.0 and higher.
- ovpn_status.py
Tested versions
This template has been tested on:
- OpenVPN Server 2.5.1
Macros used
There are no macros in this template.
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
OpenVPN stats | - | Zabbix agent | discovery.ovpn |
OpenVPN stats updated | - | Dependent item | ovpn.stats.updated |
OpenVPN expiration ca | - | Dependent item | ovpn.expiration.ca |
OpenVPN expiration cert | - | Dependent item | ovpn.expiration.cert |
OpenVPN clients limit | - | Dependent item | ovpn.clients.limit |
OpenVPN clients count | - | Dependent item | ovpn.stats.clients_count |
OpenVPN clients found | - | Dependent item | ovpn.stats.clients_found |
Name | Description | Expression | Severity | Dependencies and additional info |
Maximum number of OpenVPN clients reached | - | max(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.stats.clients_count,#1)>=max(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.clients.limit,#1) | Average | Manual close: No |
OpenVPN ca certificate expires in 90 days | - | Warning | Manual close: No | |
OpenVPN ca certificate expires in 30 days | - | Average | Manual close: No | |
OpenVPN ca certificate expires in 7 days | - | High | Manual close: No | |
OpenVPN ca certificate expires in 1 day | - | Disaster | Manual close: No | |
OpenVPN cert certificate expires in 90 days | - | last(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.expiration.cert,#1)<7776000 | Warning | Manual close: No |
OpenVPN cert certificate expires in 30 days | - | last(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.expiration.cert,#1)<2592000 | Average | Manual close: No |
OpenVPN cert certificate expires in 7 days | - | last(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.expiration.cert,#1)<604800 | High | Manual close: No |
OpenVPN cert certificate expires in 1 days | - | last(/OpenVPN by Zabbix agent/ovpn.expiration.cert,#1)<86400 | Disaster | Manual close: No |
Discovery rules
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
Discovery openvpn clients | The discovery of clients | Dependent item | get.ovpn.stats |
Item prototypes
Name | Description | Type | Key and additional info |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" bytes recieved | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.b_rx.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" bytes transmitted | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.b_tx.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" connect duration | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.t_cd.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" connect time | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.t_cs.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" real ip | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.r_ip.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |
OpenVPN client "{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}" virtual ip | - | Dependent item | ovpn.client.v_ip.name[{#OVPN_CLIENT_NAME}] |